Call for Admission:
080 - 6175 4694 / 080 - 6175 4699
[email protected]
About us
Mission & Vision
Chairman's Message
Principal's Message
Code of Ethics
AQAR 22-23
AQAR 21-22
AQAR 20-21
AQAR 19-20
AQAR 18-19
Academic calender 2022-23
Academic calender 2021-22
Academic calender 2020-21
Academic calender 2019-20
Academic calender 2018-19
FEED BACK 2022-2023
FEED BACK 2021-2022
FEED BACK 2020-2021
FEED BACK 2019-2020
FEED BACK 2018-2019
Enrichment Courses
Admission Procedure
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Pharmacy Practice
AQAR 2023-2024
1.1.1 - Curriculum Planning and delivery
1.2.1 CBCS Notification
1.2.3 - Add on Attendance
1.2.2- Add on Course
1.4.1 – Feedback Report
1.3.2 Syllabus of Course
1.3.1 - Crosscutting issues relevant to Professional Ethics, Gender, Human Values, Environment and Sustainability into the Curriculum
1.3.2 Project Work
1.3.2 Internship
1.3.2 Field Visit
1.3.2 - Experiential learning through project work/field work/internship during the year
1.4.2 Feedback Process of the Institution
2.1.2 - Seats filled against seats reserved categories
2.2.1 - Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners
2.2.2 Student Full time teachers data
2.3.1 - Student centric methods
2.3.2 - ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process
2.3.3 - Ratio of mentor to students for academic
2.4.1 - Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year
2.4.3. - Total experience of full-time teachers
2.5.1 - Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent
2.6.1 - Programme and course outcomes of the Programmes offered by the Institution
2.6.2 - Attainment of Programme outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution
2.6.3 Annual Report
2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS)
3.1.1 - Grants received from Government and non-governmental agencies for research projects / endowments in the institution
3.1.2 - Number of departments having Research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during the year
3.1.3 - Number of Seminars/conferences/workshops conducted by the institution during the year
3.2.1 - Number of papers published per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year
3.3.1 - Extension activities
3.4.1 - The Institution has several collaborations/linkages for Faculty exchange, Student exchange, Internship, Field trip, On-the- job training, research etc during the year
3.4.2 - Number of functional MoUs with national and international institutions, universities, industries, corporate houses etc. during the year
4.1.1 - The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.
4.1.2 - The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga centre etc.
4.1.3 - Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.
4.2.1 - Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)
4.2.2 - The institution has subscription for the following e-resources
5.1.3 - Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution
5.1.4 - Number of students benefitted by guidance for competitive examinations and career counseling offered by the institution during the year
5.1.5 - The Institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging
5.1.5.Anti-Ragging MOM
5.1.5.Grievance Redressal MOM
5.1.5.Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee MOM
5.2.1 - Number of placement of outgoing students during the year
5.3.3 - Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during the year
5.4.1 - There is a registered Alumni Association that contributes significantly to the development of the institution through financial and/or other support services
6.1.2 - The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management.
6.2.1 - The institutional Strategic/ perspective plan is effectively deployed Organogram
6.3.1 - The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non- teaching staff
6.3.3 - Number of professional development /administrative training programs organized by the institution for teaching and non-teaching staff during the year
6.3.4 - Number of teachers undergoing online/face-to-face Faculty development Programmes (FDP) during the year
6.3.5 - Institutions Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non- teaching staff
6.4.1 - Institution internal and external financial audits Annual Report
Annual Report
7.1.1 - Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the year
7.1.1 Annual gender sensitization action plan
7.1.3 - Facilities in the Institution for the management of degradable and non-degradable waste
7.1.3 Relevant Documents like agreements _ MOUs
7.1.8 - Describe the Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing an inclusive environment i.e., tolerance and harmony towards cultural, regional, linguistic, communal socioeconomic and other diversities
7.1.9 - Sensitization of students and employees of the Institution to the constitutional obligations: values, rights, duties and responsibilities of citizens
7.1.10 - The Institution has a prescribed code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff and conducts periodic programmes in this regard
7.1.11 - Institution celebrates / organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals
7.2.1 - Describe two best practices successfully implemented by the Institution as per NAAC format provided in the Manual.
7.2.1 Best Practice
7.3.1 - Institution distinctiveness