Pediatric nursing is the specialized area of nursing practice concerning the care of children during wellness and illness. Pediatric nursing practice is concerned with:
- Well being of children towards optimal functioning.
- Integration of developmental needs of children into nursing care with holistic approach.
- Integration of scientific principles and theory related to child health nursing practice.
- Focusing on family centered care and atraumatic care.
- Interdisciplinary team approach to plan and provide comprehensive childcare.
- Focusing on the ethical, moral and legal problem regarding childcare.
Departmental Activities
- Conducting theory classes as per University norms.
- Clinical nursing practice at specialized child care hospitals.
- Evaluation of students performance in theory as well as clinical by unit tests, assignments, care plans, case studies, clinical presentations and term examinations.
- Participating in National Immunization programme.
- Conducting school health programme at regular intervals.
- Assessment of under five children at community areas.
- Visit to Crèche, Anganwadi, Well Baby Clinic and conducting health awareness programmes.
- Visit to Remand home, Certified school and Physically, Mentally and Socially challenged childcare centers.
- Conducting workshops and seminars on recent trends and concepts.