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SL.NO. Name (s) of the Teaching Faculty Designation  Qualifications  Experience
        Teaching     Industry Research
1 Dr. B.K.Manjunatha Prof/HOD B Sc M Sc Ph.D 25 - -
2 Dr. Valarmathy K Assot. Prof. B.Tech M.Tech Ph.D 13 - -
3 Dr. Gangadhar Gouripur Assot. Prof. B Sc M Sc Ph.D 6 - -
4 Dr. Syed Murthuza Asst. Prof. B.E Msc Ph.D 9 - -
5 Dr. Ajitha Gomathi Asst. Prof. B.Sc M.Sc Ph.D 1 2 -
6 Ms. Salma Kausar M Asst. Prof. B Sc M Sc, PGDIPR (Ph.D) 15 - -
7 Mr. Divakara R Asst. Prof. B Sc M Sc (Ph.D) 17 - -
8 Ms. Aswathi Unnikrishnan Asst. Prof. B.E M.Tech - 3 - -
9 Ms. Mamatha B Asst. Prof. BE M.TECH - 2 1.1 -