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   What to say now
Credits :
Atul Kumar
MCA - V Sem
  Girl: Which computer do u have?
  Boy: I have a computer with intel core i7 processor at 3.3 ghz, windows 7, 64 bit, 8gb ram & nvidia gtx 560 graphics card.
  Boy: which computer do YOU have???
  Girl: A PINK ONE !!

  What to say now.
   Life before the Computer
Credits :
Atul Kumar
MCA - V Sem
   C Program
Credits :
Atul Kumar
MCA - V Sem
  Teacher Gave Him Punishment To Write 5000 Times
  "I Will Not Throw Paper Airplanes In Class…" And Submit It Tomorrow….   Next Day, He Submitted The Paper Written
  Void Main( )
  Clrscr( );Int N;
  For( N=1 ; N<=5000 ; N++ )
  Printf("I Will Not Throw Paper Airplanes In Class");
  Getch( );
   GODS are also I.T. Engineers
Credits :
Atul Kumar
MCA - V Sem
  System installer

  System supporter

  System Programmer

  Data transfer


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