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   Google's Throat Tattoo To Detect Lies
credits :
MCA - V Sem
The company famous for taking moon shots at the technology—Google, is yet again coming up with a device which seems to be straight from science fiction. Google's Motorola Mobility in a recent filing with the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has come up with a "system and method" to tattoo a mobile-device microphone with lie-detector circuitry onto the users' throat..

The device comes with the dual functionality, one which cut downs the background noise and help to carry on a clear conversation in noisy environments just by plastering the device on your throat and the other— its use as lie detector. While its ability to catch voice directly from your throat makes a lot of sense but its ability to detect lie may tick off the users.
    Inkblots Improve Security of Online Passwords
credits :
Aradhana kulkarni
MCA - V Sem
This new type of password, dubbed a GOTCHA (Generating panOptic Turing Tests to Tell Computers and Humans Apart), would be suitable for protecting high-value accounts, such as bank accounts, medical records and other sensitive information.

To create a GOTCHA, a user chooses a password and a computer then generates several random, multi-colored inkblots. The user describes each inkblot with a text phrase. These phrases are then stored in a random order along with the password. When the user returns to the site and signs in with the password, the inkblots are displayed again along with the list of descriptive phrases; the user then matches each phrase with the appropriate inkblot.
    Getting Qt running on Windows
credits :
Arron pramod
Qt is a versatile cross-platform GUI framework built on C++. Major applications that use Qt are AutoDesk Maya, VirtualBox Ubuntu's Unity interface and the KDE Software Compilation. The Open Source version of Qt can be downloaded from

There are several versions of Qt for several platforms listed on the page. You can either download the latest version (5.1.1) as of this article, or the earlier versions. For Windows users who already have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012, it is recommended that you install the Qt version that is available for your setup.
    Modern Science
credits :
MCA - V Sem
"The Indian way of life provides the vision of the natural, real way of life .we veil ourselves with unnatural masks. On the face of India are the tender expression which carry the mark of the creator's hand" -George Bernard Shaw

We think that science is modern and has its origin in west. The excavation of the Indus valley civilization of the Indus valley civilization has proved the existence of science and technology in India. Around 4500, irrigation was developed in Indus Valley.

the property of the civilization is due to innovations.the cities were planned they had drainage and sewers. Artificial reservoir was built 2600 early canal irrigation system was developed .they were growing cotton and Sugarcance,
    The Onion Router (TOR)
credits :
Rasul Mulla
An "onion router" is an Internet application that takes requests for web-pages and passes them onto other onion routers, until one of them finally decides to fetch the page and pass it back through the layers of the onion until it reaches you. The traffic to the onion-routers is encrypted, which means that other people can't see what you're asking for, and the layers of the onion don't know who they're working for. Onion routing is immensely useful for protecting a users privacy and sending confidential information over the Internet without it being compromised.

TOR can also provide anonymity to websites and other servers. Servers configured to receive inbound connections through TOR are called hidden services.
credits :
MCA - V Sem
1. The first domain name ever registered was .
2. U.S. President Bill Clinton's inauguration in January 1997 was the first to be webcast.
3. Doug Engelbart had made the first computer mouse in 1964, and it was made out of wood.
4. Every minute, 10 hours of videos are uploaded on You tube.
5. While it took the radio 38 years, and the television a short 13 years, it took the World Wide Web only 4 years to reach 50 million users.
6. 'Stewardesses' is the longest word which can be typed with only the left hand.
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