Message From HOD,

In today’s fast changing world with ever growing challenges, rapid climate changes and limited resources, a new generation of mechanical engineers nurtured with necessary skills and innovative spirit is needed. Our effort is to provide our students with practical, productive, satisfying experience at all levels of their program of studies so that they can explore the world of mechanical engineering. Our dedicated faculty tries to disseminate among the students the latest developments in manufacturing, mechanics, design, hydraulics, automobiles and robotics. Welcome to the world of mechanics and machines.

Head of Department
Ph. No. : 9632784263
Email: [email protected]

About The Department.

Since its inception in 1986, The Department of Mechanical Engineering is committed to provide a cheerful, supportive, friendly, challenging and satisfying experience at all levels for teaching and learning. The department started with the intake of 45 students.

The department is equipped with necessary laboratories; library and well trained, committed and experienced teaching faculties who always emphasize on theoretical and practical applications of machines and mechanics using advanced methodologies.

To facilitate transformation of students into good human beings, responsible citizens, and competent professionals, focussing on assimilation, generation and dissemination of knowledge, so as to sustain and excel in the highly demanding world with confidence.

Impart quality education to meet the needs of profession and society, and achieve excellence in teaching learning and research.
Facilitate effective interactions among faculty and students, and foster networking with alumni, industries, institutions and other stake holders.
Practice and promote high standards of professional ethics, transparency and accountability.
To provide an education that transforms students through rigorous course work and by providing an understanding the needs of society and industry.
To provide the students with academic environment of excellence, leadership, ethical guidelines and lifelong learning needed for a long productive career.
To inculcate personality development through sports, cultural and extra curricular activities and engage in the social, economical and professional challenges.

Available Labs & other facilities
Workshop facility(carpentry, smithy, forging, foundry, sheet metal and welding).
Machine shop facility(lathe work, milling, shaping, grinding, drilling).
Mechanical testing lab.
Hydraulics and pneumatics lab
Thermal engineering lab
A computer lab with 20 systems of latest configuration.

workshop lab: It is having sufficient number carpentry benches fitted with vices.
Forging lab is equipped with sufficient number of hearths and required tools.
Foundry lab is equipped with sufficient number of moulding boxes with tools
Sheet metal is equipped with various tools required for operation
Mechanical testing lab: It is equipped with UTM, izod and charpy testing equipment, torsion testing equipment and various other testing equipment. It is also equipped wit quality testing instruments also.
Hydraulics lab: It is equipped with pelton wheel, kaplon turbine, centrifugal pump, various types of notches, venturimeter, friction through pipes equipment.
Thermal lab: It is equipped with various types of engines like petrol engine, diesel engine, Mors test engine, calorific value testing equipment, refrigeration kit and various models of engines.
Machine shop: It is equipped with sufficient number of lathes, milling machine, shapers, drilling machine, grinding machine etc.
Computer lab: It is having 20 computers with latest configuration and required software. It is also provided with internet facility to download e-books and browse for latest information in the required field.



  • The Oxford Polytechnic has an elite placement division to facilitate the placements for all students.
  • The Placement Division also supports training in CV Writing, Aptitude Assessment, Mock interviews, Group Discussion ,Online tests,etc.,
  • The Placement division works with Corporates to learn about the recent requirements so as to work for the overall development of Students as per industry pre requisites.