Nursing is much more than just a career. It is more about selfless love, care and service.
The noble profession of Nursing, founded by 'The Lady with the Lamp', Florence Nightingale. Today it is one of the most and respected as well as rewarded careers in the world. In its real sense, nursing is as old as life itself. Through the ages, it has grown and became complex and highly sophisticated along with the advancement of Science and Technology. Nursing has found its unique and indispensable place in Hospitals, Community Health Centres, Medical Clinics, Nursing Homes, Armed Forces, Ships, Aeroplanes, and all other spheres of human activity.

Nursing has its many facets like hospital nurse, visiting nurse, doctor's assistances in diagnosis / treatment / research, industrial health nurse, community health nurse, nurse practitioners and so on. A career in the exciting and interesting field of nursing, offers opportunities not only to be placed in countries around the globe but also in economic security and high levels of self-advancement, self-achievement and job satisfaction.
The Indian School of Nursing (A) established in 2003-04. The devoted faculty teaches and trains the students, the art and skill of nursing, making use of the best infrastructure available in the city.