Measures taken against the spread of COVID-19 at Oxford campus
- The first step was to create quick awareness amongst faculty members and students.
- We wrote to them personal messages to inform and educate about Corona virus and gave historical facts to them.
- The same was put up on our website and also on all social media pages of Oxford.
- All around the campus, boards were put up so that students and visitors to campus were educated about the preventive measures.
- Our hostels were fumigated regularly and every mentor-teacher personally supervised the cleaning of each and every room in the hostel.
- We placed sanitizers at every entry and exit points.
- Messages were sent to the students through Whats App group regularly.
- Thermal temperature scanners are being used at the main entrance so as to screen every visitor into the campus.
- During the lockdown period, teaching-learning has been taking place regularly as per our schedule through online mode.
- We also adopted the online mode for the conduct of seminars, webinars, Quiz and other planned Activities.
- Classes were held as per the Academic Calendar of the University via remote teaching. Institution will comply with the nationwide decision taken with regard to ‘stay @ home’ for students in order to stop the spread of COVID-19.
- We will open and welcome students to campus with all precautions as per Government guidlines
- Covid Center team will do everything in its capacity to ensure the safe learning of our students during these days.

Institutional Measures Covid-19: Following Arrangements are Ensured
- The most important factor in preventing the spread of this virus locally is to empower the citizens with the right information and taking precautions as per the advisories being issued by Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
- All Campuses are fully sanitized before starting the college and maintained properly.
- Mandatory provision of sanitizer dispenser and thermal screening at the entrance.
- Mandatory use of face cover by all staff and students to be worn at all times inside the Campus.
- Maintaining Social distancing norms
- Staff to wear gloves and take the required precautionary measures.
- Large gatherings to remain prohibited