Statutory Committee

Anti Ragging Cell

The Anti-Ragging Cell at The Oxford College of Law for Students was formed in order to avert the occurrence of any kind of ragging that affects the mind and environment of the students within the institution. The Cell has formulated strict rules and regulations for students to avoid actions that disrupt the mental peace of students and help build a friendly environment where students co-exist peacefully.

Under laws in India, ragging is defined as:

  • Any disorderly conduct by either by acts or words spoken, the effect of which is teasing, treating or handling with rudeness any other student.
  •  Any rowdy or undisciplined activity, which causes annoyance, hardship or psychological harm.
  •  Raise fear or apprehension thereof in the minds of juniors.
  •  Asking the students to do an act or perform something, which such student will not do in ordinary course, which has the effect of causing shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a junior student.


As depending upon the vision of The Oxford College of Law, the Anti-Ragging Cell ensures to create an atmosphere of a sensitive and liable outlook amid the students about the cause and effects of indulging in ragging.

Objectives of Anti Ragging Committee
Anti-Ragging Committee will be the supervisory and advisory committee in preserving a Culture of Ragging Free Environment in the college Campus. The main objectives of this cell are as follows:

  •  To maintain decorum in the College and bring a sense of responsibility amongst the students.
  •  To sensitise students about the evils of ragging and making awareness among the students.
  •  To initiate action against the erring student.
  •  To address complaints about ragging as per the notification and circulars of the Central and State government and university procedures.
  • To maintain records of the cases investigated and submit reports of the same annually.
  •  To be approachable and accessible to the support and needs of the students.

Ragging is STRICTLY prohibited under the Indian Laws. 
Complaints against any student indulging in ragging should be immediately brought to the notice of the members Anti – Ragging Cell.
The Complaint can be made either in writing or telephonically or in digital form – email or whatsapp, link as provided on the college website
The Complaints can be made by the victim student or any friend of the victim student or the Class Representative of the Student or by any person having knowledge of the incident.

Punishment to those found guilty
Depending on the nature and gravity of the offence as established by the Anti-Ragging Committee of the College, those found guilty of ragging shall be liable for any one or more of the following punishments. The decision of the Anti-Ragging Committee shall be final and binding.

a) Cancellation of admission.
b) Suspension from attending classes.
c) Withholding/withdrawing scholarship/fee concession and other benefits.
d) Debarring from appearing in any test/examination or other evaluation process.
e) Withholding results/certificates.
f) Debarring from representing the College in any fest, sports or other such events.

Committee Incharge: The Principal Dr. Prangya Patil,
Vice Principal Dr. Seethalakshmi

Faculty Incharge
: Assistant Professor Dhanashree
The number of students volunteers for the committee: 10

The Committee comprises of the following members:

Sr. No Name / Members Designation Phone Email ID
1 Dr Pragnya Patil Principal 080 –6175 4573 [email protected]
2 Dr. Seethalakshmi Vice- Principal 080 – 6175 4542 [email protected]
3 Mrs. Dhanashree Kane Assistant professor 080 –6175 4543 [email protected]